By H.H Pope Shenouda III
If you talk just for the sake of talking, that is one thing. If you want to achieve something through your talk, that is a different matter, which makes you talk objectively and
effectively. In this latter case, you need some useful advice:
§  Talk when there is an ear ready to listen to you. If you find that the person to whom you are talking is not listening to you, stop talking. Do not talk to a person who is exhausted or tired, either physically or psychologically, or who is under pressure...
Do not talk to a person who is busy and has no time to listen to you, or does not have the time to understand and discuss your point of view...As it has been wisely said, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." (Prov. 25:11)
Before you talk to a person, choose the right time, when he is feeling the best, to present your opinion and he will be ready, in heart and mind, to listen and understand you, and accept your
talk...If you want your talk to be effective:
Win your listeners, then you'll win the talk and its outcome. Many aim at winning the discussion by any means, even by losing the one to whom they are talking... which results in the loss of everything. Logic alone is not enough without the psychological side...
1. The one who defeats his discussant and proves him wrong, especially in the presence of others, could never gain anything good from this person...
2. Whoever interrupts who speaks to him, without giving him a chance to talk, and answers back before the speech is finished and acts as an opponent, will never find in the heart of his discussant the ability to respond or be convinced, no matter how logical his opinion may be.
3. The one who mocks the ideas of another, showing how they are weak, trivial, impractical and illogical, will also achieve no result...Therefore, respect the opinion of the other speaker, no matter how much you are against him...Answer him politely and courteously...
Try and reach the heart of the one you speak with, before, you reach his mind. Then surely you will win the heart as well as the mind.
Today’s Synaxarium: 11 Baounah  1729
§  Martyrdom of St. Claudius
§  Commemoration of the Consecration of the Altar of the Forty Martyrs in Alexandria
+ سنكسار اليوم: 11  بؤونة 1729
§       استشهاد القديس اقلاديوس
§       تذكار تشييد هيكل الأربعين شهيدا بكنيسة المخلص
كتاب لماذا القيامة - البابا شنودة الثالث
3-القيامة أيضًا هي معجزة جميلة رائعة.
لأنها تقدم للعالم الآخر الحياة المثالية. فالإنسان المثالى الذي تحدث عنه الفلاسفة، والذي بحث عنه ديوجين ولم يجده، والذي فكر العلماء كيف يكون.. هذا الإنسان المثالى تقدمه لنا القيامة في العالم الآخر، في عالم ليست فيه خطيئة على الإطلاق، وليس فيها حزن ولا بكاء، ولا فساد ولا ظلم، ولا نقص ولا عيب. إنها معجزة تقدمها القيامة، أو هي شهوة في حياة البر تتحقق بالقيامة.
4 – ولذلك فالقيامة معجزة مفرحة.
مفرحة، لأن بها تكمل الحياة، وينتصر الإنسان على الموت، ويحيا إلى الأبد. إن الحياة الأبدية هي حلم للبشرية التي يهددها الموت بين لحظة وأخرى، والتي تحيا حياة قصيرة على الأرض، وعلى قصرها مملوءة بالمتاعب والضيقات. لذلك يكون فرح عظيم للإنسان أن يتخلص من التعب ومن الموت، ويحيا سعيدًا في النعيم الأبدى.