الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الاثنين، نوفمبر 05، 2012

يجب اختراق حاجز الكسل

Fr. Antonious Abba Moses


By H.H Pope Shenouda III

Very often the words "I have sinned"., are said from a true and contrite heart, to prove repentance and to receive God's forgiveness...
+ For example when the prodigal son said to his father, "...I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son." (Luke 15:21). He was forgiven and the fatted calf was killed for him.
+ Another example is what David said, "Against You, You only have I sinned, and done this evil in Your sight. (Ps. 51:4). We repeat the same words in each of the seven daily prayers.
But there are other occasions where the words, "I have sinned".- were said, without proving repentance and were not accepted by God!...
+ Pharaoh repeated this phrase more than once. It was a policy he adopted, due to fear, so God may take away the punishment. But once the plague was removed, he hardened his
heart, as before!! When the hail struck, Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said to them "I have sinned this time. The Lord is righteous and my people and I are wicked. Entreat the Lord that there may be no more mighty thundering and hail, for it is enough. I will let you go." (Ex. 9:27,28). But when the plague ceased, he hardened his heart once more.
When the plaque of the Locusts struck, Pharaoh said to them, "I have sinned against the Lord your God and against you. Now, therefore, please forgive my sin only this once, and entreat the Lord your God that He may take away from me this death only..." (Ex. 10: 16,17).
Many say "I have sinned", like Pharaoh, then turn back as he did.
+ Balaam, whose straying was mentioned in the Bible, said to the Angel of the Lord, "I have sinned," (Num. 22.34); then turned and disobeyed...
+ King Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned." He repeated it twice, not for repentance but because he wanted the prophet to honor him before the people (1 Sam. 15:24-30). Saul
perished and God rejected him.
+ Achan, the son of Carmi, said to Joshua, "Indeed I have sinned against the Lord God. of Israel.." (Josh. 7:20). And Achan perished, like Balaam before him and like King Saul after him, despite their saying the phrase "I have sinned."
+ Shemei, the son of Gera, also said to King David, "I have sinned" (2 Sam. 19:20). He might have said it because of fear or flattery. It was not accepted and Shemei perished.
+ What else is there to say? Judas, the betrayer himself said, "I have sinned." He said to the chief priest and elders, in despair and after it was too late, "I have sinned by betraying innocent blood" (Matt. 27:4). Then he departed and hanged himself, And so Judas
perished after saying, "I have sinned."
Today’s Synaxarium: 26 Babah 1728
v     Martyrdom of St.Timon the Apostle
v     Commemoration of the Seven Martyrs on the Mountain of St.Antonius
Today we will read chapter 28 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم: 26 بابه 1728
v     استشهاد القديس تيموجبن الرسول احد السبعين واحد الشمامسة السبعة
v     تذكار السبع شهداء بجبل انطونيوس
آية اليوم انا الرب قد دعوتك بالبر فامسك بيدك و احفظك و اجعلك عهدا للشعب و نورا للامم (اش 42 : 6)
حكمة اليوم :  في جهادنا الروحي ...يجب أن نخترق حاجز الكسل ...تماما مثل الطائرة التي تخترق حاجز الصوت ...لكي تحلق في آفاقها !!!

أقوال الآباء:  قال القديس مار اسحق : «طوبى لمن يغصِبَ نفسَه كلَّ أيامِ حياتهِ، لأنه من مزبلةِ الفقرِ يتكرَّم بجنسِ المملكةِ العظمى. طوبى لمن يغصِبَ نفسَه دائماً في طريقِ الله لأنه يصيرُ وهو من الجنسِ الحقيرِ مناسباً للجنسِ العظيمِ الشريفِ المعقول. التغصُّب هو مُغني الفقراء ومُكَرِّم المرذولين. التغصُّب هو مبدأ طريق الوحدةِ وبه يسعد النشطون في طريقِ ملكوت الله، فيتوَّجون بالتيجان من القوي القاهر. وإن كنتَ تسأل وتقول: إلى أين ولأيِّ حدٍ أغصِبُ ذاتي؟ فإني أقولُ لك: إلى حدِّ الموتِ اغصب ذاتَك من أجلِ الله. اغصب نفسَك في صلاةِ الليل وزدها مزاميرَ، لأن رجاءً عظيماً ومعونةً في الجهاد من أجل الله، له المجد إلى الأبد، آمين

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