الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الثلاثاء، سبتمبر 11، 2012

ربّــي أنــا فــي قـمــة ضـعـفــي

وفــي عــزّ احـتـيـاجــي إلـيــك فـكــن مـعــي  

Have a Blessed Day                                                                             
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
By H.H Pope Shenouda III
Learning starts during the person's life, but it never ends...
This learning takes different shapes, which vary according to the stages of life that one experiences...Childhood represents the type of learning that believes in everything...
It is the type of learning that requires education, asks and seeks knowledge, accepts everything without argument and picks up many things by following the example of others.
During the primary and preparatory period, another type of learning takes place, which understands and absorbs. In secondary school, learning is based on discussion and argument,
then storing information after examining it...During the university period, it is another type of learning which partakes in examining and preparing information and, to a certain extent, depends on itself. After the university years, another type of learning begins, when the person sets out to practical life. This period does not follow defined programmes or fixed dates for exams. One is practically tested at any time, in anything and without previous preparation or readiness... You too, need to be prepared for the trials of life...You might be able to learn from others' experiences, beside learning from the elderly, the instructors and spiritual fathers. You can also learn from books... Man needs to drink from all springs of knowledge, with wisdom and care, by examining and sifting information. You need to know life and learn how to act and deal with people and superiors and how to talk to them:
When does a person talk and how; when does one need to be firm and when to be flexible; when to be precise, when to punish and when to forgive... The one who loves learning learns from everything... He learns from the ant how to be active, and learns to have faith from the birds who neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet our Heavenly Father feeds them...
Happy is the one who learns throughout his life...He learns more than what others teach. He increases every day in knowledge and insight. He will acquire the humility by which he accepts learning from anyone and from everything…
Today’s Synaxarium: 1 Tute1728
v     Feast of El-Nayrouz (Beginning of the Blessed Coptic Year)
v     Departure of St.Bartholomew, the Apostle
v     Job and His Washing
v     Departure of St.Melyos, Pope of Alexandria, the Third
Today we will read chapter 20 from the book of Job at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم:1  توت 1728
v     النيروز (رأس السنة القبطية للشهداء)
v     استشهاد القديس برثلوماوس الرسول
v     تذكار شفاء أيوب الصديق
v     نياحة البابا ميليوس "3"
v     نياحة البابا مرقس الخامس "98"
آية اليوم:  ليستجب لك الرب في يوم الضيق ليرفعك اسم اله يعقوب ليرسل لك عونا من قدسه و من صهيون ليعضدك ( مز 20 1-2 )
حكمة اليوم: ربّــي أنــا فــي قـمــة ضـعـفــي وفــي عــزّ احـتـيـاجــي إلـيــك فـكــن مـعــي  

أقوال الآباءقال القديس أنسطاسيوس: «لا تكن ديَّاناً لأخيك، لتؤهَّل أنت للغفران، فربما تراه آثِماً خاطئاً، لكنك لا تعلم بأي خاتمةٍ يفارق العالم، فذلك اللصُ المصلوب مع يسوع، كان للناسِ قتالاً وللدماء سفاكاً، ويوداس الرسول كان تلميذاً للمسيح ومن الأخصاء، إذ كان الصندوق عنده، إلا أنهما في زمنٍ يسير تغيَّرا، فدخل اللصُ الفردوسَ، واستحق التلميذ المشنقةَ وهلك».

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