الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الثلاثاء، يوليو 10، 2012

STUBBORNNESS By Fr Antonious Abba Moses

By H.H Pope Shenouda III
A humble person may give up his opinion and would possibly admit that he was wrong, and rectify the error...A meek person deals simply with everyone and never argues much or acts stubbornly.
He considers the other opinion with respect and dignity as an unbiased person, not as an opponent. He honestly searches for what is good in it and if he finds it right, he accepts it...Some people, when you talk to them, make you feel that their minds are completely locked us to any understanding. Nothing is acceptable to them except their own opinion, and in a stubborn way they reject anything else without any discussion... A person may continue in his stubbornness, no matter how many are opposing his opinion, no matter what their positions are and whether their talk is convincing or not... This obstinacy could be due to buried pride, which considers giving up one's opinion against dignity and self respect. One might continue in one's stubbornness for a long time., One might see the bad effects of insisting on and sticking to one's wrong opinion and, in one's stubbornness, would not care. The heretics are an example of those stubborn people who did
not listen to neither the churches nor the synagogues and carelessly split the church.
A stubborn person loses people as well as himself. He could also lose his faith and consequently lose his eternity. At the same time he loses the purity of his heart... no humility, no love, no understanding and no gentleness. There is a big difference between stubbornness and firmness in what is right. Stubbornness is the persistence on what is wrong... It is amazing how stubborn people justify their stubbornness as strength of personality, and they might imagine themselves heroes in their resistance... Some people, with a weak personality, might admire them. When they see themselves surrounded by many, their stubbornness grows more and more. They might think that many support them, or it is an evidence of the rightness of their opinion and attitude...
The Bible connects stubbornness to hardness of the heart... The stubborn sinners who insist on their faults, are hard in heart and the work of grace does not soften them... The Apostle says to them, ".. if you will hear his voice, do not harden your hearts..." (Heb. 3:7)
Today’s Synaxarium: 3 Abib 1728
v     Departure of St.Kyrillos (Cyril) the First, the Twenty-Fourth Pope of Alexandria
v     Departure of St.Celestine, Pope of Rome
Today we will read chapter 2 from the book of Nehemiah at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
حكمة اليوم:  إشغل وقتك في بناء نفسك فلا يكون لديك وقت (لنقد ونقض) الآخرين

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