الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

السبت، أكتوبر 26، 2013

The life of Rrpentance AND PURITY 2

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Daily Blessings

Fr Antonious Abba Moses
To Me
Today at 5:36 AM

The Life of Repentance and Purity
BY His Holiness Pope Shenouda III

§  Repentance is the exchange of one lust for another.
It is the lust to live with God, instead of sinful and bodily lust. Apart from the negative side which is forsaking sin and its love, repentance has also a positive side which leads the person to the love of God, His kingdom and His ways. It is a warm feeling, making the person desire a pure life.
§   Repentance is renewal for the mind.
The renewal of the nature occurs in baptism (Rom 6:4). But the renewal of the mind occurs in repentance, practically as the apostle says: “be transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God” (Rom 12:2).
§    Repentance is the golden key that opens the door of the kingdom of heaven.
Or it is the true door that leads to heaven because without repentance, God does not reign in our hearts. Repentance is the oil in the lamp stands of the virgins, granting them the right to
enter into the wedding feast (Matt 25).

Today’s Synaxarium: Paope 16, 1729

§  Commemoration of Saint Karbu, Saint Apollos, and Saint Peter     
§  Departure of Pope Agatho I (659-678) the 39th Patriarch of Alexandria and the See of Saint Mark

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