الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الأحد، سبتمبر 08، 2013

رساله لنيافة الآنبا يوسف

Dear Bishop Youssef, Beloved, our priest in Nashville and Coptic Community in Nashville:
First of all, I, Yousief Yousief, disapprove of the ordination of the new priest because he is not from Nashville nor has he had enough time to get to know the community, or for the community to know him; you knew this. And to get around this, you have decided to ordain him as a general priest.
Bishop Youssef, according to the Holy Synod, 21-2012, any priest to be ordained must spend at least six months in the Church he will be ordained in, unless he was ordained as a general priest. Assuming the use of this law is even correct, you could hypothetically get a person from Florida or Texas to be ordained in Nashville. (OR A PERSON FROM THE SAME DIOCESE)
At this time, I would like to ask you, And member's of the Hold Synod, to ask Pope Tawadros to explain this law. Any person coming from Egypt to be ordained in another country must first understand the culture and the system of the community before he assumes authority over them. 
Additionally, according to the priesthood law, the bishop will establish a committee to  approve the ordination of any new priests. I would like to know who is on this committee and how they approved of someone they have never met. And if a member of this committee personally knows the elected person, he should not have his vote counted. That means that all the priests in the diocese who came from St. Anthony's Church in Shobrah should abstain.
Furthermore, you must have the committee of each church  give you approval; no one asked St. Pishoy's committee for approval. By having Dr. Ehab visit one church every week does not mean anything. This is not a way to ordain a priest and to have a person be responsible for three or four-hundred families.This is absolutely unacceptable.
If you want to continue with the ordination, I am a member of the St. Pishoy committee and the Coptic community in Nashville, and I disagree and disapprove. We must follow what the church said to the letter. No other way, no exception. Unless you get us a full approval for what's going on from the Pope.


ملحوظه وتدارك
اولا :الموقع يفتح ابوبه  لكل الآفكار والاراء المختلفه في حدود تعاليمنا المسيحيه
والاختلاف في الرأي حضاره وثقافه ينبغي ان نعلمها لآولادنا
وهذه المقاله وجهة نظر في موضوع حيوي من وجهة بعض الآشخاص
اتفق فيها الناس او اختلفوا ونحن ننشرها تحت مبدأ حرية الفكر وطرحه ودراسته
ونرحب بكل الآراء لطرحها علي اباءنا ان كانت روحيه او للمختصين ان كانت غير

2 التعليقات:

غير معرف يقول...

الرسالة تعبر عن رأي شخصى. لماذا العنوان يقول ان هذا رأي كنيسة؟

3rd-day يقول...

الكنيسه هي الشعب وهي مجموعه من المؤمنين سيان خطاه ام ابرار وعندما قلت فقلت شعب الكنيسه اي الشعب وليس الآكليروس وعندما يسيم كاهن يأخد رأي
الشعب اولا ولو اعترض واحد من الشعب يفحص اعتراضه
وأن كان الاعتراض له مبرر توقف سيامته وسوف انشر
سلسلة مقالات في ضؤ الائحه الجديده في شأن سيامة الخدام الكهنه وكنت اود من يعلق ان يعرف بنفسه
فوزي نجيب

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