Hey Western media, that was NOT a coup!
Ask anyone who was in Tahrir Square: getting rid of Mohamed Morsy was not a "coup." This was a correction wave of our revolution that took place on the 25th of January.
This popular impeachment of the former president did not start with the actions of the army, or as the result of a few officers deciding to oust a dictator. No, it was the people who insisted that Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood had failed and they could not afford another year of his rule.
While former President Morsy was democratically elected, over the past year his government has intentionally worked toward fulfilling its own personal gains and expanding its own power rather than trying to pull the nation out of an economic, political, and social crisis. Without any attention to his original calls for unity, democratic values, or pluralism, Morsy led Egypt to the brink of becoming a failed state.
Ultimately, democracy is not only about peaceful elections, but it also means that the people have the right to evaluate and if the president or their government has failed them. If this is the case, they have a right to come together in a popular uprising to defend their country against tyranny.
This is what happened on July 3 - this was not a coup d'etat'!
اسئلوا من هم فى التحرير و فى ميادين الثورة ...هل هو انقلاب عسكرى ام انه موجة تصحيح لثورتنا
ثورة 25 يناير المجيده
عزل مرسى لم يكن بناء على اتفاق عسكرى ما بين مجموه من الضباط و الافراد
بل كان جموع الشعب اللذين اصروا على ان الاخوان و مرسى قد فشلوا و لا يمكن قبول عام اخر من السقوط فى الهاوية
لقد تم انتخاب مرسى بطريقة ديموقراطية و لكنه جاء باهلة و عشيرته لينالوا خير مصر لهم فقط و نسوا و تناسوا المصريين و تركوهم فى مشاكل و كوارث اقتصادية و اجتماعية و ثقافية
نحن نفهم ان الديموقراطية ليست فقط صندوق الانتخاب
بل هو حق الشعب فى اختيار رئيس و تقييمة و محاسبته و تغييره ان كان هذا حتميا لخروجه عن العقد الاجتماعى الذى تم اختياره على اساسه
هذا ما حدث يوم الثالث من يوليو ...لم يكن انقلابا
الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى
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