The sayings of the fathers:
Those who seek humility should bear in mind the three following things: that they are the worst of sinners, that they are the most despicable of all creatures since their state is an unnatural one,
and that they are even more pitiable than the demons, since they are slaves to the demons. You will also profit if you say this to yourself: how do I know what or how many other people's sins are, or whether they are greater than or equal to my own? In our ignorance you and I , my soul, are worse than all men, we are dust and ashes under their feet. How can I not regard myself as more despicable than all other creatures, for they act in accordance with the nature they have been given, while I, owing to my innumerable sins, am in a state contrary to nature.
St. Gregory of Sinai
and that they are even more pitiable than the demons, since they are slaves to the demons. You will also profit if you say this to yourself: how do I know what or how many other people's sins are, or whether they are greater than or equal to my own? In our ignorance you and I , my soul, are worse than all men, we are dust and ashes under their feet. How can I not regard myself as more despicable than all other creatures, for they act in accordance with the nature they have been given, while I, owing to my innumerable sins, am in a state contrary to nature.
St. Gregory of Sinai
Today’s wisdom:
§ Exercise daily. Walk with the Lord.
§ He who kneels before God can stand before anyone!
Today’s Synaxarium: 27 Bashans 1729
§ Departure of Lazarus the beloved of the Lord
§ Departure of Pope Youannis the Second, the 30th Patriarch of the See of St. Mark
+ سنكسار اليوم: 27 بشنس 1729
§ نياحة اليعازر حبيب الرب
§ نياحة القديس البابا يوأنس البطريرك الثلاثين من باباوات الكرازة المرقسية
كتاب لماذا القيامة - البابا شنودة الثالث
حينما يموت الإنسان، تنفصل روحه عن جسده. ولكن الروح تظل تنتظر الجسد إلى يوم القيامة، فتتحد به، ويدخلان معا إلى السماء. إذن السماء هي أملنا وهدفنا ومصيرنا الأبدى.
وقد وجه الله أبصارنا إلى السماء من أول آية في الكتاب المقدس ، إذ تقول "في البدء خلق الله السموات والأرض" (تك 1: 1). والمقصود بالبدء هنا، بدء قصة الخليقة. ونلاحظ أنه ذكر السموات قبل الأرض لسموها وعلوها وقداستها.
أ – سماء طيور: وهى المجال الجوى الذي تسبح فيه الطائرات والطيور والكتاب يقول عن الطيور "طيور السماء" (مت 6: 26).
د – وهناك ما هو أعلى وأسمى من هذا كله.
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