By H.H Pope Shenouda III
Intelligence has many advantages in one's life and the life of others. But intelligence causes some troubles. How does that happen?
If the intelligent, or very intelligent person expects people to deal with him on the same level of intelligence, which they are not up to, then he will clash with them, troubling them and they
will trouble him...He will expect from them more than what they are capable of.
He will be sad in heart because they acted in such a manner. This is the first fault; being annoyed with people's behaviour. How did they fail to understand him?! How did they act as such?!
Why do they cause such harm? Don't they understand?
"Although the matter is obvious!" (to him of course, but not to them)!
He might change from sadness and annoyance to fury and anger! The treatment might get worse with more rebuke and reprimand...
Therefore, those who work under the management of an intelligent person might have many troubles! In spite of their admiration of his understanding and of many of his deeds, they find him sometimes short-tempered, giving many orders and expecting from them more than what they can cope with! He might get annoyed for no reason, (in their opinion of course)...
The intelligent person, more than anybody else, falls in judging others.
Perhaps without intention his brain thinks fast. He discovers faults quickly maybe spontaneously
An intelligent person might feel lonely... or tend to be lonely...Maybe because he does not benefit much from people... or because he does not like the way they act... or does not find a
match to his friendship!
The philosopher Diogenes is a clear example: he was seen carrying a lamp during the daytime, and when asked the reason, he said, "I am searching for a person!"
Thus an intelligent person could fall in pride too...Either due to his continual success, or by people's talk about his brilliant deeds, or by feeling superior when compared to others...
Generally, the virtue of humility on the part of those who are intelligent - needs a greater effort...
Here, someone might ask this intelligent question: Why doesn't the intelligent person discover these faults, through his intelligence, and avoid them?
The answer is that he might discover his faults, but to avoid them is another point. There is a difference between the intellectual and spiritual, between the mind and the soul.
Today’s Synaxarium: 25 Bashans 1729
§ Martyrdom of St. Colluthus of Antinoe (Known as Abu Colta)
§ Departure of the most honored Layman Ibrahim El-Gohari
+ سنكسار اليوم: 25 بشنس 1729
§ استشهاد القديس كولوتس الانصناوي ( الشهير باسم أبو قلته (
§ نياحة المعلم إبراهيم الجوهرى
كتاب لماذا القيامة - البابا شنودة الثالث
الجسد هو الذي يعمر الأرض، لولاه ما عمرت. الفكر وحده لا يقوم بتعمير، بدون جهاز تنفيذى.
الروح قد يكون لها بعض الأمانى والأحلام. ولكن الذي يحققها لها هو الجسد. وإلا بقيت في حدود الرغبات وليس غير..
الجسد أيضًا هو سبب التكاثر في الكون.
الروح وحدها ليست مصدرًا للتكاثر.
إذن لولا الجسد ما عمرت الأرض، سواء من جهة العمارة أو الصناعة أو الزراعة وما إلى ذلك. ولولاه ما عمرت أيضًا بالبشر..إننا لا نستطيع أن نفصل الجسد عن الروح في كل تلك الأمور والأعمال. والله لا يفصلهما أيضًا في الأبدية.
في العالم الآخر يعود الإتحاد بين الجسد والروح. فلولا هذا الاتحاد لا يكون الإنسان إنسانًا. طبيعته خلقها الله هكذا..
ولولا فنى الجسد ولم يقم، فأى فرق إذن بينه وبين جسد الحيوان؟! بينما جسد الإنسان هو أكثر الأجساد سموًا في تركيبه، وهو أيضًا أجمل الأجسام وأكثرها قدرة، وله طاقات متعددة.
الجسد هو الوعاء الذي يحوى الروح.
وكثيرًا ما يكون الجسد مطيعًا للروح منقادًا لها، شريكا ً لها في الخير، غير مقاوم لها.. متساميًا فوق مستوى المادة في نسكياته وزهده. بل إن الروح تزداد درجة، حينما تسلك سلوكًا روحيًا ساميًا على الرغم من اتحادها بمادة الجسد. فتنتصر على هذا العائق المادة، وتجعل الجسد المادى يسلك معها سلوكًا روحيًا. فيتقدس باشتراكه معها في محبة الله، وفي محبة الناس، وفي عمل الخير..
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