Have a Blessed Day                                                                             

Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses

Transparent Glass

A rich man once wondered, “What good would all this wealth do to me when I feel this awful
emptiness deep down? What does my soul long for in order to have rest?" He then went to a wise man, explaining his problem and seeking his advice.
The wise man took him to the window and the two of them looked through the glass towards the heavens. The wise man then asked the rich one, "What do you see?"
"I see the beautiful blue sky,” answered the rich man.
"Look at the street. What do you see?"
"I see many people."
Then the wise man gave him a valuable mirror and asked him, "What do you see in it?," I see my image." Then the wise man said, "through the cheap window you were able to see clearly both the beautiful blue sky and the people outside. But, through the image of the mirror you were only able to see yourself. The silver frame around this mirror is like the prison of the ego, which is the killer of the soul. This is what the love of silver does!”
Give Me Your Simplicity and Take Away From Me the Love of the Bright Silver
O my Savior, give me your simple eyes, They are like the transparent glass, which looks inexpensive. Let me have your eyes, Through them, I can see the beauty of the sky within me! I can see You with Your good Father and The Holy Spirit And long for communion with You, And the work of Your Spirit inside me, To find a place in Your Father's embrace!
Yes God, take away from me the love of bright silver Which looks valuable in the eyes of many! Many of whom try to work hard for it. But the truth is: That it controls them, possesses them and they become its slaves!
It prevents them from the vision of the sky, So the eternity becomes a shadow in their eyes,
And the heavenly glory a mirage! And the communion with the angels becomes a psychiatric problem and an abnormality! Yes, it prevents them from seeing their brothers!
They ask for themselves and not for others!
They become prisoners in the prison of the "ego," And they lose the glory of the freedom of the sons of God. My Savior, give me the simplicity of Your eyes, and take away from me the love of the bright silver

Today’s Synaxarium: 29 Babah 1728
v     Martyrdom of St. Demetrius the Thessalonican
Today we will read chapter 31 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم: 29 بابه 1728
v     استشهاد القديس ديمتريوس التسالونيكي
v     نياحة البابا غبريال السابع 95
v     تذكار الاعياد الثلاثة البشارة والميلاد والقيامة
آية اليوم من اجل اسمك يا رب تحييني بعدلك تخرج من الضيق نفسي (مز 143 : 11 )
حكمة اليوم : " أنا حزين ، لم أعد أحتمل ، تعبت " . .سيزداد حزنك في كل مرة . .ولن تشعر بالسعآدة . .
حتى لو كانت قريبة منك كـ ظلٌك . .لذلك حآول أن تطرد مشآعرك السلبية . .حتى تستطيع الإحسآس بمشآعرك الإيجابية . .ابتسم للحيآة . .لترى العالم يبتسم لك فرحا

أقوال الآباء:  قال القديس أنسطاسيوس: «لا تكن ديَّاناً لأخيك، لتؤهَّل أنت للغفران، فربما تراه آثِماً خاطئاً، لكنك لا تعلم بأي خاتمةٍ يفارق العالم، فذلك اللصُ المصلوب مع يسوع، كان للناسِ قتالاً وللدماء سفاكاً، ويوداس الرسول كان تلميذاً للمسيح ومن الأخصاء، إذ كان المصندوق عنده، إلا أنهما في زمنٍ يسير تغيَّرا، فدخل اللصُ الفردوسَ، واستحق التلميذ المشنقةَ وهلك