Have a Blessed Day                                                                             
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses

The Life of Repentance and Purity part 4

By H.H Pope Shenouda III

v      True repentance is forsaking sin without return.
Thus have been the stories of the saints whom have repented, for example: St. Augustine, St. Moses the Black, St. Mary the Egyptian, Pelagia, Thais and Sarah. Repentance was in the lives
of all of these and others, it is a turning point towards God, continued throughout life without return to sin. This reminds us of the sayings of St. Shishoy: ‘I do not remember that the devil
has tempted me into the same sin twice’. It is possible that the first sin was as a result of ignorance, negligence, weakness and unawareness of the tricks of the devil or a lack of cautiousness. But, after repentance and awakening, there is precision in life and caution of sin. As for the one who discards sin and returns to it, therefore sometimes leaving it and sometimes returning....he has not yet repented. This is only an attempt towards repentance.... every time the sinner arises, sin drags him lower. If his freedom is struck down, he will not repent.
v      Repentance is a cry from the conscience and a revolution against the past.
It is repulsion from sin, great regret and rejection of the old state with embarrassment and shame. It is therefore said about repentance that it is ‘a daring judge’.
v       Repentance is a complete change in the person’s life, not a temporary emotion.
It is a real and fundamental change felt by the person, as well as everyone that deals with him. His thoughts change, so also do his principles and values, his outlook on life and his manner of speech, his habits and dealings with people, and most importantly, his dealings with God. The person also changes from within with a heart refusing the former loved sins. The love of God enters his heart and he becomes spiritually revived, a state of spiritual ecstasy which makes it very true to say that.

Today’s Synaxarium: 18 Hatour 1728
v     Martyrdom of St.Philip the Apostle
v     Martyrdom of the Two Saints Atrasis and Yoana

Today we will read chapter 42 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم:18  هاتور 1728
v     استشهاد القديس فيلبس الرسول
v     استشهاد القديستين ادرويس ويؤنا
آية اليوم لانه هكذا احب الله العالم حتى بذل ابنه الوحيد لكي لا يهلك كل من يؤمن به بل تكون له الحياة الابدية لانه لم يرسل الله ابنه الى العالم ليدين العالم بل ليخلص به العالم ( يو 3 : 16-17 )
حكمة اليوم : ما أجمـــــل أن تهــــدي مــن جــرحــك يومـــاً " إبتسامـــــة "تشعــــره أن جرحـــــه علمـك الصمــــود

أقوال الآباء:  قيل عن الأب دانيال إنه لما أتى البربر إلى الإسقيط وهرب الرهبانُ كلُّهم قال: «إن لم يشأ لي الله أن أعيشَ، فما لي وللحياة». وإنه جازَ بينهم فلم يبصروه البتة. فقال في نفسِه: «هو ذا قد اهتم الله بي ولم أمت، فلأصنع الآن مثل إخوتي». فقام وهرب