الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الخميس، أكتوبر 18، 2012

Prayer by H.H.Pope shenouda

Pray for my weakness

Fr. Antonious Abba Moses


By H.H Pope Shenouda III

Prayer is to open the heart to God, so that the faithful talks to Him, lovingly and openly. It is laying the individual before God. Prayer is a tie, a relationship between man and God. Therefore, it is not just talk, it is a heart connected to a heart. Prayer is a feeling of being in the presence of God. It is a partnership with the Holy Spirit and unity with God...

Prayer is the food of the angels and the spirituals by which they are nourished and taste the Lord, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good." (Ps. 34:8)

Prayer quenches a soul's thirst for God, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul to you, 0 God" (Ps. 42: 1), "I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness." (Ps. 63:5) Prayer is the submission of life to God to conduct it Himself, "Your will be done. " Prayer is an admission of our lack of strength. and insufficiency of intelligence. Therefore, we resort to a greater power

where we find our care...Prayer is abolishing our independence from God...

It is meeting with God: either we lift ourselves up to Him or He comes down to us...

It is turning oneself to Heaven and to the throne of God...

Prayer is not an obligation or an order. It is not just a commandment or piety and devotion... It is a desire and longing... otherwise, it would be a burden which we, unwillingly

practise, just for obedience sake!! Prayer is not just a request. One might pray without asking for anything... but contemplate on the beauty of God and His life giving qualities... Therefore, a prayer of praise and glorification... is more sublime than that of a request...

Whoever seeks something else besides God alone, will never be able to enjoy prayer as he ought to. Prayer means dying completely to all the world, an utter forgetfulness to pleasures, where God alone remains in one's thought... Prayer is the ladder which connects heaven and earth. It is a bridge that we cross to reach the heavenly places where there is no world...

It is a key to Heaven ...

It is a combination of feelings that are expressed in words Prayer would be without words or utterance The heart's beat is a prayer ... the eye's tear is a prayer ... the feeling of God's presence is a prayer In all these shades of meaning, do you really pray?

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