BY Eman George
School starts usually in August every year , and I want to talk to all parents and students about that; first I want to talk to the parents try to involve in your kids school academic progress . Ask your child about his day in school , if he needs help in his homework and you can, give him priority or if you cannot or you do not know there is a hotline to help with the homework . ask the school about the telephone number .
If you feel anything is bothering your child ask him and take an action like if another child teasing him or making fun of him tell him to talk to the teacher are defend himself with words without using bad words nor hands .
Listen to your child every time he is talking to you , give him a chance to finish and let him express himself even it is very simple in your opinion.
Most of schools like the parents to involve, so if your son is struggling or does not like to go to school talk to the teacher , have a meeting with the teacher and discuss the matter with her or him .
To the student you should know that you are the most important and precious person to your parents , so if you have any problem go to your parents and tell them and I am sure they will help you , even if they are going to get mad or upset . It is better to tell them than being in the problem by yourself , and who knows may be the big problem you have might have an easy solution .
Try to do your best in your school year. Pray before any thing you do even if you just say please Lord be with me .
Good luck to all of you .
If you feel anything is bothering your child ask him and take an action like if another child teasing him or making fun of him tell him to talk to the teacher are defend himself with words without using bad words nor hands .
Listen to your child every time he is talking to you , give him a chance to finish and let him express himself even it is very simple in your opinion.
Most of schools like the parents to involve, so if your son is struggling or does not like to go to school talk to the teacher , have a meeting with the teacher and discuss the matter with her or him .
To the student you should know that you are the most important and precious person to your parents , so if you have any problem go to your parents and tell them and I am sure they will help you , even if they are going to get mad or upset . It is better to tell them than being in the problem by yourself , and who knows may be the big problem you have might have an easy solution .
Try to do your best in your school year. Pray before any thing you do even if you just say please Lord be with me .
Good luck to all of you .
- تبدأ المدارس عام جديد فى اغسطس من كل عام
وبهذه المناسبة أود أن أتحدث للآباء والأبناء معاً حديث قلبى .
أولاً : همسة فى أذن الآباء :
بقدر الامكان حاولوا أن تندمجوا مع أبنكم أو ابنتكم فى برنامجهم الدراسى اليومى . كن صديقاً لابنك أو ابنتك . وتعرف منهم كيف يقضى يومه الدراسى ، وهل الأمور تسير معه على ما يرام ، هل هناك بعض المواد لم يستوعبها جيداً ، هل يحب المدرسة والمدرسين ... من المهم أن تعرف من هم أصدقاء أولادك ، وأحرص دائماً أن لا يدخل فى ذهنهم أفكار أو تصرفات غريبة عن تقاليدنا وعقيدتنا .
دعوا أولادكم يعبروا بصراحة عما بداخلهم . وكونوا حكماء ومستمعون جيدون لأولادكم ولا تغيظوا أولادكم وإلا سوف تضعون سوراً بينكم وبينهم .. فيبحثون عن تنفس آخر قد تكون نتيجته الضياع .
ثانياً : همسة فى أذن أولادنا
يجب أن تعرفوا أنكم موضع فخر واعتزاز فى قلوب آبائكم ، وربما تعلموا أيضاً أنهم قد تحملوا الصعاب من أجل الهجرة ليقدموا لكم حياة وتعليم أفضل . وأنهم يبذول كل جهدهم فى العمل ليوفروا لكم كل متطل
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