الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الاثنين، مارس 04، 2013


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Have a Blessed Day                                                                             
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses


By H.H Pope Shenouda III

Strength of personality is not an outward appearance, it springs from the depths of a person , from his heart, mind and will. One might be considered strong because of his intellectual
strength, intelligence and ability to understand, conclude, obtain and gather items of knowledge, beside a good memory that collects and arranges information.
There is no doubt that an intelligent person is a strong one... He is stronger than the knowledgeable person and the well read. If he acquires these qualities too, his personality increases in strength. The strength of will and determination are also sources of a
strong personality. Therefore, it is said that he who overcomes himself is better than he who defeats a city. An intelligent person without a strong will, could fail in life because he knows, but he is not able. Among the causes of a weak personality are: hesitation, doubt, lack of self-control, weakness of will and inability to take a decision. Fasting and spiritual exercises that one follows, strengthen one's will and one's personality. A spiritual person is strong; due to his inner victory. He is strong because he conquered sin, the devil, the flesh, materialism and the world. He plunged into spiritual combats, and all of Satan's flaming weapons failed to defeat him...
Other sources of the strength of personality are wisdom and prudence. Therefore, those who are known for their wisdom are right for leadership and guidance. They are capable of attracting others to them. Courage is also a quality of the strong personality...
Thus, he whose personality is considered strong, is bold and brave. He does not fear or become troubled when facing counter forces. He is also able to express his opinion, explain
his faith and defend his belief. There is a big difference between bravery and rashness.
Rashness is void of wisdom...Therefore, a personality is considered strong, when it fulfils
many conditions of real strength that support each other. This is said to differentiate between the real strength and the aspects of false strength that depends on authority, physical
power, violence, pride or assault of others.

Today’s Synaxarium: 25 Amshir 1728
  • Martyrdom of St.Archippus, St.Philemon and St.Lycia the Virgin
  • Martyrdom of St.Quona and St.Mina
Today we will read chapter 67 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.

+ سنكسار اليوم:5 2 أمشير  1728
·        استشهاد ارخبس وفليمون أخية وابيفية العذراء
·        استشهاد الشماس قونا بمدينة رومية و استشهاد القديس مينا بمدينة قبرص.
آية اليوم:  الرب الهك في وسطك جبار يخلص يبتهج بك فرحا يسكت في محبته يبتهج بك بترنم ( صفنيا 3 : 17 )
حكمة اليوم : لعل إنسان يسأل بأيهما نبدأ بخشوع الجسد أم بخشوع الروح؟ إبدأ بأيهما، إن بدأت بخشوع الروح سيخشع الجسد معها، وإن بدأت بخشوع الجسد سيخشع الروح معه.  )قداسة البابا شنوده الثالث(

أقوال الآباء: قيل عن الأب مقاريوس مرة إنه مضى إلى البهلس ليقطع خوصاً، فأتاه الشيطانُ وأخذ منه المِنجلَ وهمَّ ليضربه به. أما هو فلم يفزع بل قال له: «إن كان السيدُ المسيح قد أعطاك سلطاناً عليِّ فها أنا مستعدٌ لأن تقتلَني»؛ فانهزم الشيطانُ وانصرف عنه هارباً

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