الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الاثنين، سبتمبر 24، 2012

بركة اليوم من دير السيدة العذراء

Have a Blessed Day                                                                             
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
The Sayings of Fathers:
 (Abba Theodore) said 'If you are friendly with someone who happens to fall into the temptation of fornication, offer him your hand, if you can, and deliver him from it. But if he falls into heresy and you cannot persuade him to turn from it, separate yourself quickly from him, in case, if you delay, you too may be dragged down with him into the pit.
A brother came to Abba Theodore and began to converse with him about things which he had never yet put into practice. So the old man said to him, 'You have not yet found a ship nor put your cargo aboard it and before you have sailed, you have already arrived at the city. Do the work first; then you will have the speed you are making now.'
Abba Theodore of Pherme said, 'The man who remains standing when he repents, has not kept the commandment.'
A brother said to Abba Theodore, 'I wish to fulfil the commandments.' The old man told him that Abba Theonas had said to him, 'I want to fill my spirit with God.' Taking some flour to the bakery, he had made loaves which he gave to the poor who asked him for them; others asked for more, and he gave them the baskets, then the cloak he was wearing, and he came back to his cell with his loins girded with his cape. Afterwards he took himself to task telling himself that he had still not fulfilled the commandment of God.'
It was said about (Abba Theodore) that, though he was made a deacon at Scetis he refused to exercise the office and fled to many places from it. Each time the old men brought him back to Scetis, saying, 'Do not leave your diaconate.' Abba Theodore said to them, 'Let me pray God that he may tell me for certain whether I ought to take my part in the liturgy.' Then he prayed God in this manner, 'If it is your will then I should stand in this place, make me certain of it.' Then appeared to him a column of fire, reaching from earth to heaven, and a voice said to him, 'If you can become like this pillar, go be a deacon.' On hearing this he decided never to accept the office. When he went to church the brethren bowed before him saying, 'If you do not wish to be a deacon, at least hold the chalice.' But he refused, saying, 'If you do not leave me alone, I shall leave this place.' So they left him in peace.
Abba Theodore of Scetis said, 'A thought comes to me which troubles me and does not leave me free; but not being able to lead me to act, it simply stops me progressing in virtue; but a vigilant man would cut it off and get up to pray.'
Abba Theodore said, 'Privation of food mortifies the body of the monk.' Another old man said, 'Vigils mortify it still more.'
Today’s Synaxarium: 13 Tute1728
v      Commemoration of the Miracle made by St. Basilius, Bishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia
v     Departure of Pope Mattheos the Second, Patriarch of the See of St. Mark
Today we will read chapter 32 from the book of Job at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم:13  توت  1728
v     تذكار الأعجوبة التي صنعها القديس باسيليوس الكبير أسقف قيصرية
v     نياحة البابا متاؤس الثاني "90"
آية اليوم:  دعوا الأولاد يأتون إلي ولا تمنعوهم، لأن لمثل هؤلاء ملكوت الله ..الحق أقول لكم: من لا يقبل ملكوت الله مثل ولد فلن يدخله(اشعياء10: 14-15)
حكمة اليوم: لا تحزن اذا ضاقت بك الحياة .. فربما اشتاق الله لسماع صوتك وانت تناديه

أقوال الآباءقال القديس أنطونيوس: «رأسُ الحكمةِ مخافةُ اللهِ. كما أنّ الضوءَ إذا دخل إلى بيتٍ مُظلمٍ طرد ظُلمَتَه وأنارَه، هكذا خوفُ اللهِ إذا دخل قلبَ الإنسانِ طرد عنه الجهلَ وعلَّمه كلَّ الفضائلِ والحِكمِ».



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