الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الأحد، يوليو 22، 2012

GENTLE WORDS By Fr.Antonious Abba Moses

آية اليوم  هوذا باركوا الرب يا جميع عبيد الرب ، الواقفين في بيت الرب بالليالي
حكمة اليوم: صديقك لا يعاملك بالمثل , دقه بدقه, بل يحتملك فى وقت غضبك , ويصبر عليك فى وقت خطئك...
ولا يتغير حبه ان تغيرت ظروفك او ظروفه..


By H.H Pope Shenouda III
The spiritual person never uses harsh words, but gentle ones, because gentleness is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Are you known by the gentleness of your words and dealings?
+ Look at the Lord Jesus when He was talking to the Samaritan woman. Although she was very sinful, Jesus said to her, "You have well said, 'I have no husband', for you have had five husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband.." (John 4:17-18) The word "husbands" is very gentle, as they were not husbands but the Lord did not use the other harsh word. His saying, "The one whom you now have is not yours" is the most gentle expression that does not include any word that could hurt her feelings...
+ Instead of hurting people, try to win them..
+ St. Paul, the apostle, when he entered Athens, became angry as he found the city full of idols. Still he addressed them gently, "Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are very religious... "
+ When God talked about Job, he praised him by gentle words, saying to the devil, "... that man was blame-less and upright and one who feared God and shunned evil." As a matter of fact, nobody is blameless except God alone...
+ How gentle was God's talk about Nineveh, the sinful city of the gentiles, whose people did not know their right from left. God said, "And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city." Was Nineveh really great or is it God's gentleness?...
+ The names God gave to people are another example of His gentleness. He called Simon (Peter) which means rock and called Abram (Abraham) which means the father of multitudes...
They are all names that carry praise...
+ Among the saints who were famous for their gentle words is St. Didymus the Blind, head of the Theological School in the 4th century. He never aimed at overcoming people but winning them. He never tried to destroy them but convince them.
+ God condemned harsh words by. saying, "... whoever says to his brother, 'Raca' shall be in danger of the Council. But whoever says, 'You fool', shall be in danger of hell fire." (Matt. 5:22) God does not accept harsh words as He is gentle and loving, His mouth is full of sweetness and his lips drop honey.
Today’s Synaxarium: 15 Abib 1728
v     Departure of St.Ephraem El-Soriani (The Syrian)
v     Departure of Martyrdom of St.Cyriacus and St.Julietta, his Mother
v     Departure of Martyrdom of St.Horesius (Harsios) of Soul
Today we will read chapter 14 from the book of Nehemiah at 10:00 PM, May God bless.

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