Have a Blessed Day
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
I Carried His Cross With Him.
A youth used to come to Abouna Pishoy Kamel looking for work. Finally, an owner of a factory hired him and made him carry a tremendous amount of paper on a bicycle to deliver to various places. One day, this youth came to Abouna and said, "Today I carried Jesus' cross with him." "How?" asked Abouna The youth answered, "I was carrying a heavy load of papers on my bicycle and I came to a steep hill at the end of Port Said St.. I tried hard to pedal up the hill, but my strength failed and suddenly I found myself fallen under a huge pile of papers. I wasn't even able to move." "No one approached me or offered any kind of help. I found Jesus fallen down beside me beneath the weight of His cross, and sweat was dripping from him. I realized that at that moment I was sharing in His suffering and was exceedingly glad. I felt as if I were not worthy of this great honor. With joy, I started to pray to Him thankfully, "O my Lord is it for me to carry Your cross. I am exceedingly glad for the suffering of Jesus in me.
"I carried His cross with him."
"No, His cross carried me."
Today’s Synaxarium: 24 Amshir 1728
· Departure of St.Agapetus the Bishop
· Martyrdom of St.Timothy and St.Matthias
Today we will read chapter 66 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم:4 2 أمشير 1728
· نياحة القديس اغابيطوس الأسقف
· استشهاد القديس تيموثاوس بغزة والقديس متياس بمدينة قوص .
آية اليوم: مبارك الله ابو ربنا يسوع المسيح ابو الرافة و اله كل تعزية الذي يعزينا في كل ضيقتنا حتى نستطيع ان نعزي الذين هم في كل ضيقة بالتعزية التي نتعزى نحن بها من الله ( كورنثوس الثانيه 1 :3-4 )
حكمة اليوم : إذا كـانـت قيمـه الـزهـره ليـس فـى شكـلها فقـط , بـل فـى رائحتـهـا الذكـيه هكـذا الـمؤمـن لـيس فـى اسـمه فقـط , بـل فـى رائحـة المسـيح الـذكيـه الـتى بـداخلـه , والتـى يـتمجد بهـا اسـم المسـيح , وتكـون سبب بركـه للآخرين
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