Have a Blessed Day
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
Repentance: Its Progression and Perfection. Part 10
By H.H Pope Shenouda III
A person progresses in repentance and advances in it, like in any other virtue.
He keeps progressing until he reaches its perfection. So then, what is the starting point in repentance? Is it leaving sin for the fear of God?
There is a point before leaving sin, and that is the desire for repentance.
Since many do not want to repent because they enjoy sin, and want to remain in it, their character is beautiful in their own eyes and they do not wish to change. So just the desire to
repent is a good point, which is taken by His grace that asks: “Do you wish to be made well?” and this starts its work in the person. The next step is then actually leaving sin.
More importantly than leaving sin, is to remove it from the heart and mind.
There is a person who leaves sin practically, but its love is still in his heart, he yearns for it and he regrets certain opportunities in which he could have sinned and did not. Such a person for example, has left sin for the sake of God's commandments and not because he hates sin. He should progress in repentance until sin is removed from his heart.
Today’s Synaxarium: 28 Amshir 1728
- Martyrdom of St.Theodore the Roman
Today we will read chapter 70 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم:8 2 أمشير 1728
· استشهاد القديس تادرس الرومى من أسطير
آية اليوم: لا تخرج كلمة ردية من افواهكم بل كل ما كان صالحا للبنيان حسب الحاجة كي يعطي نعمة للسامعين (اف 4 : 29
حكمة اليوم : ازرع البسمة في وجهك تحصد السعادة في قلوب الناس
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