Have a Blessed Day
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
The Life of Repentance and Purity part 8
By H.H Pope Shenouda III
- Repentance is a reply from mankind to God's invitation to him.
It is the reply of the conscience, to God's voice in him. It is a reply from the will, to the work of grace with it. It is a stop to the Spirit which works in us for our salvation (Acts 7:51), it is non-grievance of the spirit (Eph 4:30), it is non-quenching of the spirit (1 Thess 5:19).
- When St. Isaac was asked about repentance, he said: ‘It is a contrite heart’. It is the contrite heart returning to God. It is the bent knees, weeping eyes, and the broken hearts. It is the mother of tears, contrition and humbleness, because repentance gives birth to all of these.... It breaks the sinner’s pride softening his hard heart and leading him into the life of humbleness. St. Isaac also said: ‘The sacrifice of repentance that we present to God, is the heart which has repented and contrited, and has been broken by the tears of prayer in front of God, asking his forgiveness for his weak nature’. As said in Psalm 50, the psalm of repentance: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart - these, O God, you will not despise”.
Today’s Synaxarium: 18 Amshir 1728
- Departure of St. Malatius the Confessor, Patriarch of Antioch
Today we will read chapter 60 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم: 18 أمشير 1728
- نياحة القديس ميلاتيوس المعترف بطريرك انطاكية
آية اليوم: تسترهم بستر وجهك من مكايد الناس تخفيهم في مظلة من مخاصمة الالسن مبارك الرب لانه قد جعل عجبا رحمته لي في مدينة محصنة ( مز 31 : 20-21 (
حكمة اليوم : مَـآ أَصْـعَـبْ أَنْ تُـصْـبِـح تَـــآئِـهَــاً ..بَينَ حُلُمٍ لآ يَكتَمِل وَ وَآقِــعْ لآ يُحـتَـمَــل
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