Have a Blessed Day
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
The Sayings of Fathers:
One day Abba Moses said to brother Zacharias, 'Tell me what I ought to do?' At these words the latter threw himself on the ground at the old man's feet and said, 'Are you asking me, Father?' The old man said to him 'Believe me, Zacharias, my son, I have seen the Holy Spirit descending upon you and since then I am constrained to ask you.' Then Zacharias drew his hood off his head put it under his feet and trampled on it, saying, 'The man who does not let himself be treated thus, cannot become a monk.'
Today’s Wisdom:
v The eyes of the cheerful and of the melancholy man are fixed upon the same creation;
but very different are the aspects which it bears to them.
but very different are the aspects which it bears to them.
v The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.
v Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition,
is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.
is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have.
Today’s Synaxarium: 13 Babah 1728
v The Departure of Saint Zacharias, the Monk
Today we will read chapter 16 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم: 13 بابه 1728
v نياحة القديس زكريا الراهب بن قاربوس
آية اليوم: لانك لن تترك نفسي في الهاوية لن تدع تقيك يرى فسادا تعرفني سبيل الحياة امامك شبع سرور في يمينك نعم الى الابد ( مز 16 : 10-11 )
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