Have a Blessed Day
Pray for my weakness
Fr. Antonious Abba Moses
On the Sunday following the feast of the departure of Fr. Pishoy Kamel (March 26, 1995), a woman who wanted to give her confession came to the church of St. Mark (Jersey City, N.J). She was extremely penitent. She said to me, "I was in love with a person years ago and I desperately wanted to put an end to this sinful relationship, but I couldn't get over my feelings towards him, so I kept his picture in my pocketbook”.
A few days ago, on the feast of the departure of our Fr. Pishoy (Mar.21), his picture was given to me. So, as many people do to receive the blessing of his prayers, I put his picture in the same pocketbook with the other one. That night, in a dream, Fr. Pishoy appeared to me and began to accuse me saying, “How could you put Fr. Pishoy's picture with that other person's picture. You have to make a choice. Keep one and drop the other”.
Immediately, I woke up in the middle of the night, took the picture of this person out and tore it to pieces, deciding to live in repentance. Three years after, the sinful relationship, I had come for the first time to confess with sincere repentance. I decided to live as our father Pishoy lived, in the spirit of purity, having no communion with sin. Truly, our beloved father was known for his great love for repentance. He longed to give his whole life to see every soul getting closer to our Holy Savior and experience the joy of communion with God. The World, with its events, joys, and sorrows could not affect. His devoted spirit which we were blessed to be touched with Even after his rest and departure from this world, the spirit of preaching did not leave him. He longs for the repentance of all people and prays for the purity of all, in the Holy Christ. Often our father preached with the evangelistic principle "For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness, and what communion has light with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14). He used to say, "Christianity does not agree with half solutions."
Today’s Synaxarium: 21 Babah 1728
v Commemoration of the Mother of God
v Departure of Joel the Prophet
v Commemoration of the Relocation of the Body of Lazarus
v Departure of St. Freig
Today we will read chapter 23 from the book of Psalm at 10:00 PM, May God bless.
+ سنكسار اليوم: 21 بابه 1728
v التذكار الشهري لوالدة الاله القديسة مريم العذراء
v نياحة يوئيل النبي
v نقل جسد لعازر حبيب المسيح
v نياحة القديس الانبا رويس (فريج)
آية اليوم: عيناي دائما الى الرب لانه هو يخرج رجلي من الشبكة (مز 25 : 15)
حكمة اليوم : الله أعطانا الجسد ... لكي نخدمه به ...في خليقته ...وفي العبادة ...لكن معظم الناس لا يعبدوا الله بالجسد ...
بل يعبدوا الجسد دون الله !!! فالاستسلام للشهوات والملاذ هو عبادة الجسد ...
بل يعبدوا الجسد دون الله !!! فالاستسلام للشهوات والملاذ هو عبادة الجسد ...
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