الموقع هدفه الارتقاء بالفكر الرافى الحر والتواصل مع الانسان المصرى فى كل مكان ، ومع ذلك فالموقع غير مسئول تماماً من الناحية الأدبية والقانونية عما يُكتب فيه سواء من المحررين أو من أى مصادر أخرى

الثلاثاء، مايو 08، 2012

"Amanda Brown, I guess" By breksam roufaeil

"Amanda Brown, I guess"
Ya she might have made a couple of gruesome choices, yes she might have made a really bad mistake, ya the people around you might tell you credentials about her that made her seem bad, but have you ever thought to your self that your just as bad as she was .
Amanda Brown is her name, I am one of her friends. She is 18 years old, 6ft tall, hazel eyes, light brown hair, and is moody at times. This is how people describe her to me, but this is how they should describe her shes a very loyal person, very loving, fits in with anybody, and is really understanding.
People around me are judging her on a sin she did 2 years ago. You might say that you would never do that, or what kinda of person does that, but guess what the little things people say like "Is your daughter her friend now, she's not a good girl you know" or "Why is your daughter hanging out with her" or "You know your daughter is standing beside her."
This stuff hurts her, you just don't understand because its not you being judged. You might take it as a joke but she doesnt. She knows that everyone is talking about her. She hears the rumors going around about what she did in the past. She feels as if they're never going to accept the new and improved her. She just wants to go hide and cry. She wants to start over, but no one sees that.
She might be better than every single person who judges her, but some people just wont open up their hearts like god did and forgive her. God said "that when he forgives he forgets." Why cant we just forget her sin and forgive her. She knows what she did wrong and im positive shes not going to do it again so why cant we just forget.
You walk around thinking you better than her and on the outside people might think you are, but she's the one who is filled with jesus on the inside. Shes the one who gets tortued everyday and            
insluted, but she looks past that and shes the one who forgives. She has Jesus on the inside and outside .

5 التعليقات:

غير معرف يقول...

Breksam, great job writing that. I think it was amazing and you point was really good because some people just judge and not even think.

vona يقول...


غير معرف يقول...

السلام عليكم
ياجبتر البأس .. البنوتة ها تبقى رئيسة التجرير .. وها نروح انا وانت فى ابو نكلة ,

3rd-day يقول...

هايل يايركسام اري فيكي مستقبلا اديبه عظيمه
الي الآمام

Unknown يقول...

نحن المسلمين السنة نرفض ما يتعرض لة الاقباط من ظلم واضطهاد وخطف وقتل وتدمير للكنائس والتكفير على يد السلفية والاخوانية ونقول ان السللفية لا تمثل الاسلام بل تمثل نفسها ومصالحها
نحن المسلمين نقول نفديكم بارواحنا يا اقباط مصر
يا اتباع المسيح مسيح الرحمة والمودة

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